Pippo Book w/ Stuffed Animal Combo


If you have the toy Pippo, you can play the Pippo Hot, Pippo Warm or Pippo Cold game! Read below for more information.

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If you have the toy Pippo, you can play the Pippo Hot, Pippo Warm or Pippo Cold game. Have someone who is not playing the game hide the Pippo toy. Then, give clues to the players where Pippo is hidden by saying: Pippo Hot, Pippo Warm, or Pippo Cold to direct the players to the hiding place. The player who finds Pippo gets to pick a bracelet. Match the color of the bracelet to the power listed in the book. The game ends when all the bracelets are gone. To order a toy Pippo, go to Patrick’s foundation website: pmaviation.org. The proceeds of the Pippo book and toy will go to Patrick’s foundation. If you don’t have a toy Pippo. Have your child think of a color. It can be their favorite color, or it can be random. Look inside the book and match the color to the Pippo Power.

This is a craft project you can do with your child. You can make a color wheel with the colors of the rainbow. You can find detailed directions on the internet. Find a craft store in your area and buy a plastic arrow set. Make the color wheel out of white cardstock. Use the seven colors of the rainbow to color the sections of the wheel. Push the arrow into the middle of the wheel and secure the back. Have your child give it a spin. Match the color the arrow lands on to the Pippo Power in the book.

About the Illustrator: Taylor Goris attended Sun Yi’s Academy of Traditional Tae Kwon Do in White Bear Lake with my son, Patrick. She graduated from college at the University of Wisconsin Stout in the field of Design.